Posts tagged 071122
The toxic thought

The other day, I was sitting here typing along, exactly as I’m doing right now, when I started to think that what I was writing wasn’t any good.

Earlier that day, I had heard someone say that daily content tends to be shallower than that which is less frequent. And here I was, allowing myself to think that toxic thought: Maybe this is all crap.

Honestly, it is a thought I don’t have very often.

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Post hit

Okay, this is weird, but I think it's a useful ability of mine: I know what it's like to be successful without actually having to go to the trouble.

I mean really successful, like number one record, eight-figure income, bestselling novel successful.

I haven't been there, but I know. I can experience it without experiencing it. I know that when you reach that level, you aren't any different inside than you were before, and if how you felt inside was inadequate and unworthy, you will still feel that way.

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Wait and see

It's ironic that, as I work with adolescents to prepare them for future education and their eventual career, they may well be headed for a field or profession that doesn't even exist right now.

Most of what I do for a living was beyond my imagination when I was thirteen, whether because technology had not yet made it possible or simply because of my own ignorance of the existing possibilities.

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Finding the feeling

One morning before dawn, I rolled over, grabbed my phone, and posted on social media.

I wrote that if I ever started a local landscaping company, I would call it "Atplanta."

Then, I started my day. Hours later, I had completely forgotten that I had created and shared this silly pun on my city's name, and it made me laugh when I came across it again.

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