Posts tagged 031122
Creative on command

The performing songwriter has a unique challenge when it comes to their second album.

They had a couple of decades or so to come up with the material for their debut, and now they need to write just as many songs in mere months — likely while touring and doing press to promote their existing record.

What's more, they now have to contend with public scrutiny and commercial expectations on top of that. They need to write hits.

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Finding the feeling

One morning before dawn, I rolled over, grabbed my phone, and posted on social media.

I wrote that if I ever started a local landscaping company, I would call it "Atplanta."

Then, I started my day. Hours later, I had completely forgotten that I had created and shared this silly pun on my city's name, and it made me laugh when I came across it again.

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Embrace your weirdness

I think we need to take a moment and talk about the masterpiece that is “96 Tears” by ? and the Mysterians.

One of the YouTube comments said it best: “I could listen to this a million times and want to hear it two million times.”

The song represents a series of artistic choices that I bet many of us would have second guessed, should we have been lucky enough to be blessed by the muse with such a gem of a song idea in the first place.

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Who needs the muse?

My process for writing articles is pretty straightforward.

I sit down to write and simply wait for an idea. Within a couple of minutes, an idea appears, and I write.

You could say that’s pretty woo-woo, but I find it to be incredibly practical. Why shouldn’t an idea simply be there when I’m looking for it?

Where else would it be, if it’s not already in my head?

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