Posts tagged 010523
Crushed by enthusiasm

As a music teacher, I used to get a lot of calls from parents who were trying to foster their child’s budding interest in an instrument.

It was often a bit of a dance to figure out how to best support these families. Though a two-year-old might be fascinated by seeing someone play the drums, enrolling that tiny person in formal lessons on the drum set is not necessarily developmentally appropriate. I needed to find a way to convey that without damaging the parent’s eagerness to help their child explore music.

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Gleaning from the galling

I haven’t taken too many guitar lessons in my life. Though I spent years as a guitar teacher, ironically, I’m mostly self-taught.

Almost every teacher I tried did that thing where you pick up the guitar and do a fast run to show off.

No piano teacher I ever had did this. It must be something about having the instrument in your hand, just begging to be played.

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The unapologetic schoolmarm

As many women do, I found myself recently in one of those cocktail party conversations that I didn’t realize until later that I could have ended much sooner.

I was working to maintain a comfortable distance from my conversation partner, who had apparently been drinking heavily. Unconsciously, he closed the distance every time until he had backed me directly into a tree.

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