Posts tagged 051823
Hitting the reset button

In many nations, individuals and business entities have the last-resort option of declaring bankruptcy. This legally releases them from the obligation of paying debts that, it is determined, they cannot realistically pay.

A person may be left with nothing after bankruptcy, but nothing is a lot better than less than nothing. They have a clean (or cleaner) slate. They have a bit of relief.

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A tiny bit of tidiness

In the film The Miracle Worker, there’s an intense scene in which Helen Keller (played by Anna “Patty” Duke) and Anne Sullivan (played by Anne Bancroft) have a battle over breakfast.

The deaf-blind Helen, having received no education or training, is resistant to the efforts of her young teacher, Miss Sullivan, to instruct and guide her. Put bluntly, she’s spoiled. Miss Sullivan is intent on getting Helen to sit at the table, eat off of a plate, and use a utensil instead of her hands.

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One at a time

When faced with an overwhelming mess — I have one in my living room right now, the result of literally emptying the contents of a pickup truck, including a table saw, onto the floor — it is sometimes reasonable to take drastic measures. Let’s shove it all into a closet or call the junk people to haul it all away.

And when the mess is more of an intangible one — a broken process, a difficult relationship, a cluttered schedule — we likewise might seek ways to metaphorically shove it in a closet or send it to the dump.

But sometimes, the elements are too valuable to discard. We must salvage what we can. In these cases, we have to use a more deliberate process. At the very moment when we most want to rush and just be done with the whole thing, we have to slow down and be present. When we do, we might discover a much more satisfying experience and outcome.

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