Posts tagged 030623
A blob of sugar dough

There’s a part of my hometown that’s like a teeny-tiny Atlantic City boardwalk, right down to the amusement park, the arcade, and the saltwater taffy.

The place that has the saltwater taffy is called The Goldenrod. Open only in the summer, it s a York Beach institution. The restaurant, which has a soda fountain, a stone fireplace, and lacquered wooden tables, used to sell penny candy by the piece at a counter always staffed by a very patient young college student. Founded in 1896, The Goldenrod was already full of nostalgia when I was a kid.

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No one is to blame

When my niece was about four, she grew frustrated in the middle of trying to write something.

“This is the [most] tewwible W I’ve evew seen!” she said angrily, shoving her paper across the table.

I felt bad for thinking about how cute she was. Of course I knew just how she felt. I’ve had my own version of “This is the tewwible W I’ve evew seen.”

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Three ways to tell you’re getting better

I have had an uneven tennis season.

I started back to the sport at the end of February and benefited from being in Atlanta, a tennis mecca if there ever was one. I had lost most of my tennis friends when I moved away shortly before the pandemic, but I worked my way up to playing five or six days a week through a combination of clinics, flex league matches, and casual play with friends and family.

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