Posts tagged 123120
Belief vs. action

“I have a hard time talking to new people,” says a seventh grader. “I have social anxiety.”

“I’m such a procrastinator,” says another. “I know what I’m supposed to do, but I will avoid it until the last possible moment. I feel terrible about it.”

It’s not a bad thing that this generation of kids is very self-aware. It beats the cluelessness of my own cohort -- we didn’t have the Internet to help us figure out what was going on or find people who shared and validated our weird traits. But I worry sometimes that all the labels these adolescents give themselves will prevent them from seeing that they always have the possibility of changing their habits and disrupting their patterns, even if their personality remains fixed.

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Questioning our dark and stormy stories

On one dark morning, forty minutes after sunrise, the streetlights came back on.

The clouds were so heavy that they convinced the light’s sensors that it was night.

We humans can be fooled, too. The contrast between a bright sunny day and a moody, cloudy one — or stormy one — is stark. When you’re in one, it’s hard to imagine, from the evidence, that another is possible.

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Do your habits have to be your identity?

I was the last customer at a favorite cafe. While an employee swept the floor and I packed up to go shortly before closing time, we struck up a conversation. She confessed that she has a tendency to procrastinate.

“What are you procrastinating about?” I asked.

“Everything,” she replied.

She said that she had just transferred to a new college and was anxious about her tendency to procrastinate. She’s always been this way and she’s not sure how to change.

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If you have New Year's FOMO

People are trying to make sense of the passage of time.

Reflecting not only on the past year, they’re attempting to process the past decade, hoping to glean some lessons and understand the trends that shaped the events they’ve just lived through.

If you’re feeling a sense of loss, a fear of missing out, a worry that there’s a party going on without you, let me reassure you: Nobody knows what the heck they’re doing.

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