Posts tagged 072519
Maslow's hierarchy in realtime

There’s always a reason for someone’s behavior.

Another saying of my uncle’s is, “No one behaves badly because they feel so good.”

In other words, if someone is acting like a jerk, they probably feel awful.

Unpacking this can get very complex and require the assistance of a trained professional. But for kids, it’s often much simpler: They’re hungry, tired, or they need a hug.

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Caring is contagious

There are lots of kids out there who have never felt that a teacher understood them or liked them. The teacher who treats a student like a human being, giving them the benefit of the doubt (along with the space to mess up) is a teacher who will have a fan for life.

I'll never forget one moment with a student -- let's call her Anna -- where I saw this clearly.

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"How hard can it be to..."

One of my students, age fourteen, is an accomplished amateur ornithologist.

The other day, we were looking at a picture of a bird. I said it looked like a house finch, and he said something like, "No, this bird’s [technical term] is more [technical term], and its wings have [technical term] along the [technical term]. They look nothing alike.”

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