Posts tagged 090722
Beneath the surface

Around March of each year, there's a crop of eighth graders who think that they aren't learning anything.

They are bored and frustrated with their teachers, classmates, and schoolwork. In our tiny homeschool program, they have the luxury of believing that they would feel differently if they went to a traditional public school.

They say that they're ready for high school and just want to be there already. They don't know that they're exactly where they should be.

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Our pet problems

It is embarrassing to go back and listen to recordings of mastermind sessions I’ve been part of.

In a mastermind, a group of entrepreneurs takes turns being coached by each other. When it’s my turn to be coached, my current self cringes as I hear my past self blather on about my business and deflect useful ideas and feedback. It is so hard to believe that I couldn’t see in the moment that I was doing this.

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The shortest route to serenity

The other day, I had a new project launching, plus double my usual number of meetings.

I also had been away. That meant that I had a bunch of bags to unpack, there was little in the way of groceries, and I stayed up too late.

I’m sure there are plenty of people who would be fine with all of that, but a lack of food and sleep easily throws off my equilibrium. I had to figure out what to do to make it work.

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New and fresh paths

I’m in transition.

Maybe it’s the call of the new season as the weather cools and routines change around me. The tourists and summer people are leaving, and the kids are going back to school.

Maybe it’s a consequence of yet another surge in coronavirus cases, upending my travel and life plans.

Maybe it’s something internal, like the hormones I cycle through every few weeks, or perhaps even caused by those very hormones.

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